Monday 17 December 2012

Fashion Moment- Flower Crowns

Final piece of work for uni before Christmas-
Flower crowns may not be the most urbane of trends, but what started as Frida Kahlo unknowingly shaping Mexican fashion in the early twentieth century with her ethereal floral headpieces and trademark mono-brow has bloomed into one of the most obnoxious accents adorned throughout the century.

Despite the connotation of 15-year-old topshop princesses swaying to mediocre indie bands at their first festival experience, downing cheap cider and trying with little success to recreate the atmosphere of the summer of love, there’s no denying the never dwindling popularity of the frivolous accessory.

Reaching its peak during the hippie revolution, and worn by everyone from your average acid head Woodstock reveler to 60s folk sweetheart Joni Mitchell, who went as far to note the accessory much later than its flower child heyday in 1991 release The Only Joy in Town. The questionable style of what is essentially a stooped up Alice band has caught the attention of the internets own love child, Tavi Gevinson.

Although Tavis’ adaptation may seem more Drew Barrymore in 90s flick Best Men than surrealist painter Kahlo, whose flowers were said to disguise the pain and anguish so famously featured in her self-portraits, Gevinson’s flower crown tutorial on online magazine rookie has inspired a whole generation of tweens to emulate her iconic look.

For a trend firmly rooted in street style and culture, the flower crown has had its fair share of catwalk fame. Vivienne Westwood’s red label S/S13 features the somewhat obscure combination of 40s inspired headdresses- more reminiscent of your grandma’s rain hat than couture- spruced up with, you guessed, flower crowns in place of the more traditional pin curl. With Celebrities such as Alexa Chung and the more questionable Lana Del Ray championing the look, it’s unlikely to fade any time soon.

Not all of us will be able to afford the plane ticket to see Kahlo’s wardrobe exhibited this winter in Mexico, but we can all- Despite its somewhat shallow exterior- adorn our flower crowns with pride in remembrance of Frida, the first alternative fashion icon.

Sunday 18 November 2012

Christmas Wish List


Long sleeve shirt / Ponte knit pants / ASOS leather boots / ASOS leather boots / Meadham Kirchhoff zipper bag, $1,260

Thought I'd half arsedly, (definitely not a word), attempt to use polyvore!  Everything other than the AMAZING Meadham Kirchhoff bag is actually on my Christmas list, (not sure i'll be able to afford £700 pounds any time soon, no matter how perfect it is), the annoying thing about the bag is i used to own the exact same one when i was twelve in bright green. Somehow its disappeared  probably thrown away by my disgusted mum. Anyway, obviously everything's black and white, I've been lusting after the topshop trousers ever since seeing a girl on my course rocking them. As for polo necks, my friends will tell you that I'm a hater, usually due to the fact i pull faces whenever they wear one. But the lace is so pretty! I'm a convert. 

Anyway, if you have polyvore and if you can even follow people on polyvore then follow me there? I'm not sure I'll ever get in to it/learn how to use it buy y'know. 

P.S I know wish lists are boring but I have no time for anything else maybe I will post something more interesting soon who knows who knows.

Sunday 4 November 2012

"Well, I'm off like a dirty shirt"

With the 80's possibly being my favourite era of all time, its only natural to expect that I take a huge amount of fashion/life inspiration from Pretty in Pink. Arguably my favourite film, but lets not start that conversation. Directed by the mastermind John Hughes, the movie itself has a pastel pretty aesthetic and generally makes me glow a little.  Not only is the film sweet witty and i could possibly watch it 100 times a day and not get bored, (why am i saying possibly? I definitely could),but  oh my god does Iona, Andie's Boss, have style! Her eccentric looks are nothing short of genius, take the above white wig/monochrome ensemble, this is a woman after my own heart.
Oh, and shes also responsible for one half of Andie's awful prom dress, but we wont talk about that.

Sunday 28 October 2012

"Why don’t you have a room done up in every color green? This will take months, years, to collect, but it will be delightful—a melange of plants, green glass, green porcelains, and furniture covered in sad greens, gay greens, clear, faded, and poison greens
Diana Vreeland 

Watched the Diana Vreeland documentary in my fashion history class, can't get 70's interiors out of my mind. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Thursday Wish List

After reading Monki's magazine i decided to take a look at their online shop, its so good! I'm constantly searching for the PERFECT pair of black skinny trousers, with little luck so far, and these might just be the pair! Annoyingly they only have XS in stock on the website, although its a good excuse to take a peek in the Oxford Street branch of the store, which looks amazing. The underwear, (so pretty!), is also from Monki. I don't usually wear sweatshirts but for £18 pounds in the sale its pretty cute, and we've all seen the S/S13 collections, monochrome is back! Which is absolutely fine by me seeing as its all i seem to wear.


These shoes are literally perfect, i spotted them on the Topshop website a few months back and have been debating buying them ever since. 
Whenever shopping i literally quote this panel about 100 times, but these are the shoes! I have found a pair of normal black shoes, and why pay a million dollars (pounds) when you can pay thirty?

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Magazine Haul

Last Friday my media analysis class were sent to London on a magazine treasure hunt. Needless to say i went over the top spending wise but oh my god was it worth it, out of the five pictured i have only ever bought Lula, (with little success i attempt to buy every issue), so felt it was time i branched out! One of my two favourite's have to be Clash, which is actually a music magazine although i was lucky enough to pick up last years fashion issue featuring a a huge piece on Meadham Kirchhoff! The article focuses on the S/S12 collection, (my favourite to date!) and below is Ed Meadham's Riot Grrl Playlist:

 My second favourite of the five is Monki, a sister publication to the fashion brand of the same name. The magazine has a DIY feel to it and although only features its own clothing, the publication doesn't appear as an advertisement tool, which is a nice change for consumer magazines. Eleanor Hardwick, rookie photographer,      
 curates a piece featuring young artists responses to their female icons, which is super cool! (See below)