Sunday 4 November 2012

"Well, I'm off like a dirty shirt"

With the 80's possibly being my favourite era of all time, its only natural to expect that I take a huge amount of fashion/life inspiration from Pretty in Pink. Arguably my favourite film, but lets not start that conversation. Directed by the mastermind John Hughes, the movie itself has a pastel pretty aesthetic and generally makes me glow a little.  Not only is the film sweet witty and i could possibly watch it 100 times a day and not get bored, (why am i saying possibly? I definitely could),but  oh my god does Iona, Andie's Boss, have style! Her eccentric looks are nothing short of genius, take the above white wig/monochrome ensemble, this is a woman after my own heart.
Oh, and shes also responsible for one half of Andie's awful prom dress, but we wont talk about that.

1 comment:

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