Wednesday 20 February 2013

'Freeze Frame'

Final layout for the photo shoot! Based on i-D magazine blah blah I hate indesign & photoshop spending eight hours in a room with no windows is no fun but I am super happy with the final outcome ! Also excuse the awful name but who's job is it to think of super deep names for shoots? I would like to hire you because i am no good at it.

Friday 8 February 2013

Spring/Summer 13 Shoot Preview

Rough edits of a 60sish themed s/s photoshoot for my uni project. 
Using patterns from the catwalk e.g prada moschino etc and Marlena is such a babe!!!! I'm obsessed with the glitter/plaits/makeup... I'll post the final images once i have edited properly etc
Oh and a very quick sloppy post i am both ill and lazy not a good combination for a successful blog i will try harder next time i promise i promise!